Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Olympic Sport Physics: Curling

Here is Team 3's project on curling...
Introduction to Curling

Ian and Will's glog about physics and winners

Will's Xtranormal on Equipment


  1. Great project Kira! I really enjoyed how you used multiple digital tools to explain the sport of curling. The only thing I would have changed on the glogster... would be to add some more information and pictures. They seemed a little bit bland compared to other groups and a bit more effort could of been put into making the creative side more noticeable. I liked the good and solid information that you consistely had throughout the project. Overall fantastic job! I loved it

  2. Great project! A few things:
    - All digital tools (glogsters and Xtranormal) need to be embedded in your blog posting not just linked.
    - The second glogster has an image with no attribution.
    - Where did you obtain the information? You need to write down the citations.

  3. Pippa, I added some links to some good pictures and information just now. It wouldn't let me upload pictures though that I had saved, so I just had to put the links. Hope it helps!
